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Google Classroom Trainings

The following Adult Learning opportunities are available to you on Google Classroom. They are all self-paced asynchronous learning modules.   You can access them by going to  Then click the plus sign to join a class and enter the join code listed here:

Training Description Join Code
Google Classroom Training    Basic and Advanced training in how to use Google Classroom. rktrkh3
Google Suite Training Training modules for the following google suite applications:  calendar, gmail and tasks, Docs and Slides, Forms, Sheets ck3geh2
Infinite Campus Training Access Infinite Campus training presentation and instructions for common tasks such as setting up your gradebook, taking attendance,  messaging students and parents, setting up seating charts etc…  xzuixea
Sensational Six Tech Tools for E-Learning Training Training modules exist on the following 6 common instructional technology tools:

Edpuzzle, Screencastify,, Flipgrid, Kami, Peardeck 

Assessment Literacy for Administrators Training   Assessment Literacy training for district administrators.  This training is required for all new administrators.  Any administrator is welcome to take the training as a refresher at any time. 24rmrqu
Assessment Literacy for Student Services Staff Training  This is a required assessment literacy training for any year 1 student services staff member.

Any student services staff member is welcome to take the training at any time.
