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Accidental Damage Protection

School-issued Chromebooks come with accidental damage protection (ADP). This provides additional warranty coverage for most accidental damage for three years after Maine D207 purchased the devices.

If your student experiences any problem with their school-issued Chromebook, they should immediately visit the ChromeDepot for a free assessment and temporary free loaner, if needed. Many problems can be resolved free of charge, even after ADP coverage runs out. In the event that a repair is required and not covered under warranty or ADP, we provide a cost estimate for the repairs. You will be charged for the cost of the parts only, there is no cost for labor or a “mark up” on the parts.  Repairs to school issued Chromebooks must be performed at the ChromeDepot. If a family has insurance, the ChromeDepot staff can provide necessary information to file any claims to cover the cost of repairs. Students will be provided with a daily loaner, free of charge, to use in school (not to be taken home) while the repair is being made for up to 10 school days.