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Emergency Days (Weather or Other Emergency)

Occasionally inclement weather or other emergencies may cause District 207 to call an emergency day (no school) for students and staff.

When making the decision to hold an emergency day, administrators carefully consider the safety of students and staff. There are many factors that impact a decision to hold an emergency day for weather, including, but not limited to, the ability of our students and staff members to get to and from school safely, and the current and forecasted weather. Additionally, this chart from the national weather service helps guide the decision.

On emergency days, the district will communicate this information via website and social media. Additionally, parents and staff can expect to receive an automated phone call, e-mail and text message if they have opted in for those services and their contact information is up-to-date.

The decision to hold an emergency day is typically shared by 6 a.m. or earlier. With regard to after-school activities and athletic event decisions, in some cases those decisions are made at the same time as the decision to hold an emergency day and in other cases those decisions are made later in the day. 

Please note that if school is being held, no announcement will be made. It should be assumed school is in session unless the district sends information indicating otherwise.