Instructions for Online Registration
Welcome to Maine Township High Schools! We are asking families of incoming freshmen to please complete online registration as soon as possible. By registering your child now, District 207 will be able to communicate relevant information regarding the next school year, including important dates, course selection, and counselor meetings. If you have any questions about the online registration process, please see the Online Registration Q&A.
A separate code or login is not required in this system.
First Step – Open this link in a web browser
Select your language and select Start New Registration to begin. If you are returning to a saved registration, select Return to Saved Registration to begin.
Second Step – Open Online Registration
Enter your information. While not required, we recommend entering an email address. Please refrain from using a shared email address. By providing an email address you will be able to receive email updates and communications regarding this application, as well as any follow-up that may come from the school office.
If you are returning to a saved registration, enter your application number where indicated.
Check the box below for I’m not a robot and click Begin Registration.
Begin Registration
Enter your name on this page as your signature for this form.
Click on Submit and on the next page, read the instructions and click on Begin.
Complete the Form Tabs
The tabs across the top of the page show your progress toward completing the online form.
You must complete the tabs in order. You can switch to completed tabs to review or make changes by clicking on them. You may also save and return to the form at a later time. In order to do this you must make note of your APPLICATION NUMBER and use it when returning to the system.
After reviewing and updating each section on each tab, click the gray Next button to go to the next section of the tab (called pleats). You can go to the previous pleat by clicking on the gray Previous button or clicking on the pleat heading. All required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Any errors will pop up as red message balloons. You may click on these to dismiss the message.
Once the tab is complete, click the blue Save/Continue button to go to the next tab.
The tabs are as follows:
Student(s) Primary Household
The first tab is the Student(s) Primary Household information. This is done once for all students in the household. Review the home phone number, home address, and, if applicable, any separate mailing address.
Review and update all parents/guardians for the children. This is done once for all children in the household. Enter at least one parent/guardian, and add as many as needed.
Parents that live at a separate address may be added here.
Add every Parent / Guardian needed for all of the students to be registered. On a later step, you will specify the relationship, if any, to each student.
When entering an email address in the parent/guardian Contact Information section, please select the contact preferences for that email address. The options are described in a key below. Also look for Phone number call preferences at the bottom of the same pleat.
Emergency Contact
Enter emergency contact(s) who may be called in the case of an emergency, and the parents/guardians of the student cannot be contacted. This is done once for all children in the household.
Please do not enter parent / guardian information on this tab
Note, these contacts will be carried forward and can be reviewed or updated in the future during the general enrollment and information update period.
For each child in the household, click the blue Edit/Review button. Click Add New Student to add any additional students not listed. Review and update each pleat for each child. Some questions will be revealed based on answers to previous questions. It is possible to see different questions for each child.
Click on the gray Next button to go to the next pleat of the page. Once the page is complete, click the blue Save/Continue button to go on.
Finally, Submit the Online Form
When you have completed the online registration forms, we recommend downloading a summary of the application in PDF format and reviewing it before submitting.
Once you click the red Submit button, the application is locked. Any changes will need to be made by contacting the Student Services Office.